
West African Invitational Softball Tournament

...has been awesome. We had four games, won 3 and lost 1 and didnt make it to playoffs but had so much fun. The team that won was actually a group of Senegalese. Yes thats right, the Americans have been beaten at our own game. There were Peace Corps teams from 6 west African countries (Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Benin and the Gambia) and it was so good to meet volunteers from other countries. Were all living the dream, you know. :) Over the weekend we ate a ridiculous amount of hotdogs, m&ms, doritos and other amazing food that none of us ever get any other time of year. Ok, maybe the Dakar regions volunteers do (thats me), but some of these other kids (and countries) are seriously deprived.

During the tournament two other volunteers and I have been staying with a lovely host family that feeds us amazing food, lets us use their laundry machine, their internet and watch American tv so that we even got to watch an episode of this seasons American Idol. That was a hug deal, I am just sad its the only one I will have the opportunity to watch, so keep me posted!!!

All is well in Dakar and I head back to site tomorrow, which I am ready for after almost a month away. I have several projects to look into as I kill the next four weeks until my vacation so I am really looking forward to it. Life is good.

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