
I Have Work!

This may not seem like a big deal to you readers, most of whom think that I have in fact been working these entire three months in Senegal, but au contraire mes amis. I do a lot of sitting around now that Im at site. Technically Im supposed to be "culturally integrating" myself into the community, which I suppose I am doing, but it leaves an awful lot of time on my hands. I read a lot.

Yesterday I went to the mayors office where my supervisor introduced me to a woman who owns a local preschool and is interested in computer literacy classes. The preschool has a computer, she just wants to know how to use it. So starting next week I will be teaching her how to use Microsoft Office . Super exciting. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is. It gives me something to look forward to, it will let me meet people, and loads of super cute little kids who love to stare at the whitey, I can practice my wolof and it will be the first class Ive ever given in French. Huge. So this is somewhere to start.

I also met with the PAPES people this week and they are interested in working with the Peace Corps, but I kinda get the feeling they dont know exactly what to do with me. And in all honesty I dont exactly know what to do with myself these days, but we have plenty of time to find a good fit for me. I will go see them next week as well to further discuss potential work. Man it feels good to have something to do!!!

In other news, my Wolof is surely but slowly improving. When I meet people these days, they seem torn between telling me "You've only been here three months? You speak Wolof really well!" and "You've been here three months and thats all the Wolof you can speak? Why can't you understand me?" But its coming along nicely. Someday I just may understand the people I live and work with.

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