
I Pout'd

So its been awhile since Ive posted largely due to a four day stay in the sick bay at the Training Center with a bout of the Senegalese flu folowed by dehydration. Sounds fun, right? Worst four days of my adult life so far.

While I was in sick bay, a Peace Corps employee was killed in a car accident, so everyone was mourning and its the first time Peace Corps Senegal has had to deal with that. Terrible. Because of the funeral, everything got pushed back a day, including site announcements. If you are not familiar with the Peace Corps, they have a day where they tell all of the trainees where we will be going for the next two years. Kind of a big deal. Basically, its like moving Christmas back a day. You may laugh and think Im overexaggerating, but I havent been that dissapointed in a long time.

At any rate, today was site announcement!!! I am going to Pout (yes its said just like it spelled, which will take some maturity on my part because Ive been giggling about it all day). Its a sweet site. Im 10 km from Thiès, heading towards Dakar and super near the beach. Feel free to look it up. Off to dinner to celebrate, like I said this is a big deal. More news to come.


KatieMc said...

I googlemapped you! It looks very green until you zoom in...then it looks very brown.

KatieMc said...

OH and.....DEHYDRATION!?!?!?! Yikers.

Anonymous said...

hey there lady, your blog is now set as my home page. it has been a CRAZY eight weeks of school, and i know this is no excuse for abandoning you. an e-mail is coming with updates, and I LOVE YOU!

i need care package ideas and how to dial your cell phone. i have the address, so dont worry about that.

p.s. check out the website i tagged on here, see if you like it.